Lowest and Highest Short Codes

Lowest short codes by printer
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001A1note100Finland L128 D *  15.07.2012
France E001F4note5Finland L085 T  13.06.2008
Austria F001C2note500Austria N**00 D  22.07.2008
Netherlands G001A5note5Netherlands P011 D  16.10.2007
United Kingdom H002H5note20Ireland T*14 D  05.12.2006
Italy J001A5note50Italy S010 D  27.12.2009
Ireland K001C3note20Ireland T*57 T  13.02.2011
France L002A1note5France U**05 D  27.05.2011
Spain M001A4note50Spain V005 D  27.09.2008
Greece N001C4note5Greece Y016 D  08.11.2007
Germany P001A4note20Germany X000 D *  24.06.2012
Germany R001A1note5Germany X154 T  17.08.2008
Belgium T001A4note10Belgium Z2**09 D  20.01.2010
Portugal U001I3note20Portugal M*00 D  06.09.2010

Highest short codes by printer
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D002C2note100Finland L140 D  02.01.2008
France E009G1note5Netherlands P239 T **  31.03.2013
Austria F020F2note10Austria N**28 T **  18.04.2013
Netherlands G039E4note50Germany X809 D *  01.03.2013
United Kingdom H016B2note50Netherlands P076 D  28.06.2008
Italy J066B1note50Italy S389 T *  26.09.2012
Ireland K007D4note10Ireland T*74 T *  30.11.2012
France L080C4note20France U**49 T ***  23.06.2013
Spain M046D2note50Spain V495 T *  17.02.2013
Greece N030F6note10Greece Y165 T *  30.12.2012
Germany P032D2note50Germany X493 T **  07.04.2013
Germany R088F4note50Germany X038 T  26.11.2006
Belgium T028E5note50Belgium Z7**79 T *  24.06.2012
Portugal U019G3note20Portugal M*44 T  21.04.2011

Highest short codes: note5
Short codeValueCountrySignature
France E009G1note5Netherlands P239 T **  31.03.2013
Austria F005J6note5Austria N**09 T  23.06.2009
Netherlands G007J1note5Netherlands P050 D  07.12.2006
Italy J012D2note5France U**31 D  25.03.2008
Ireland K003I5note5Ireland T*77 T **  17.04.2013
France L032E2note5France U**86 T **  31.03.2013
Spain M016C1note5Spain V214 T *  26.09.2012
Greece N001C4note5Greece Y016 D  08.11.2007
Germany P018H6note5Germany X353 T **  18.04.2013
Germany R006J6note5Germany X200 T  20.07.2008
Belgium T001J4note5Belgium Z1**08 D  21.01.2009
Portugal U008I6note5Portugal M*78 T *  26.09.2012

Highest short codes: note10
Short codeValueCountrySignature
France E005J5note10Germany X675 D **  31.03.2013
Austria F020F2note10Austria N**28 T **  18.04.2013
Netherlands G017I4note10Germany X596 T *  30.11.2012
Italy J009F6note10Italy S078 D  28.01.2012
Ireland K007D4note10Ireland T*74 T *  30.11.2012
France L054G3note10France U**24 T  10.12.2009
Spain M003J8note10Spain V214 D  04.11.2006
Greece N030F6note10Greece Y165 T *  30.12.2012
Germany P022E1note10Germany X139 T  21.04.2011
Germany R025I5note10Germany X552 T  06.01.2012
Belgium T001I3note10Belgium Z2**15 D  20.07.2007

Highest short codes: note20
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001E2note20Finland L022 D  11.03.2011
France E004I5note20Slovenia H**01 T  11.09.2011
Austria F003H1note20Austria N**02 T  07.06.2009
Netherlands G012E1note20Slovakia E03 T *  13.12.2012
United Kingdom H005E3note20Portugal M*14 D  04.07.2010
Italy J052B5note20Italy S284 T  11.03.2011
Ireland K002H1note20Ireland T*02 D  01.09.2006
France L080C4note20France U**49 T ***  23.06.2013
Spain M025B2note20Spain V277 T  11.03.2011
Greece N006F5note20Greece Y029 T *  28.01.2013
Germany P019I5note20Germany X348 T **  30.05.2013
Germany R007D2note20Germany X270 T  28.01.2012
Belgium T002I4note20Belgium Z4**26 D  17.08.2008
Portugal U019G3note20Portugal M*44 T  21.04.2011

Highest short codes: note50
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Austria F001C4note50Austria N**00 D  14.11.2008
Netherlands G039E4note50Germany X809 D *  01.03.2013
United Kingdom H016B2note50Netherlands P076 D  28.06.2008
Italy J066B1note50Italy S389 T *  26.09.2012
Ireland K001E3note50Ireland T*01 D  28.09.2007
France L009C2note50France U**25 D  27.05.2011
Spain M046D2note50Spain V495 T *  17.02.2013
Greece N001D2note50Greece Y005 D  06.01.2012
Germany P032D2note50Germany X493 T **  07.04.2013
Germany R088F4note50Germany X038 T  26.11.2006
Belgium T028E5note50Belgium Z7**79 T *  24.06.2012

Highest short codes: note100
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D002C2note100Finland L140 D  02.01.2008
Austria F003C3note100Austria N**07 T *  15.07.2012
Netherlands G009A5note100Netherlands P052 T  07.06.2008
Italy J020A1note100Italy S157 T *  15.07.2012
Germany P008B1note100Germany X061 D **  04.06.2013

Highest short codes: note200
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Germany R006F3note200Germany X021 D  19.05.2009

Highest short codes: note500
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Austria F001C2note500Austria N**00 D  22.07.2008
Germany R013E3note500Germany X066 T  22.07.2008
Belgium T001G5note500Spain V929 D  22.07.2008

*** Addition(s) within the last week
** Addition(s) within the last three months

* Addition(s) within the last year

Generated 2013-06-23 21:08:16 (by NIG version 1.84)